
29 October 2013

Advances in Technology and Vaser Lipo

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Bit of a different post this afternoon, but I am really interested in the concept of plastic surgery - addicted to Dr 90210 and I love finding out about it all. Lipo is definitely something that i'd consider later on in life.

As each year passes, the cosmetic surgery industry goes from strength to strength due to the enormous advancements in the technology they have at their disposal to help give you the body you've always dreamed of. The industry is always improving and enhancing their services to ensure that you receive the safest and most effective treatment, and the latest in liposuction technology, Vaser lipo is no exception.

To help you understand and appreciate just how advance this type of liposuction is, it's best to look at it in comparison to normal liposuction. The standard lipo process is most commonly known as suction assisted liposuction, and involves the cannula being inserted into a small incision, the cannula is attached to as vacuum device, and is then moved in a backwards and forward motion to help break down the fat cells and then suction them away.

In contract laser lipo involves using high frequency ultrasound that is specifically aimed at the fat cells within the body, by option to use the high energy option, the fat cells are gently broken down, but leaves other tissues that the surgeon wants to preserve intact. For information on Vaser lipo visit Mya Cosmetic Surgery about the procedure and what it could offer you. Not only is there a lower suction used throughout the process, the end result means what the patient is more likely to see a smoother and better finish, not to mention having the trauma on the body reduced considerably. This isn't to say that there won't be any initial swelling after the procedure, but that it will mean less chance of risk and complications following the liposuction.

As you can see, there is quite a dramatic difference in, not only how effective the Vaser lipo is, but how much gentler and safer it is on the patient. It is important to bear in mind though that, with every type of cosmetic surgery option, some types of liposuction are better suited to certain needs, for example, the Vaser lipo is particularly exceptional in removing stubborn fat, such as bingo wings, saddle bags, jelly bellies etc. Therefore, if you wish to find out more about the Vaser procedure, why not take a look at the questions and answers article on MYA about the whole process, and then, if you require more assistance, you can talk to their advisors.

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